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Why LavaPing Business Messaging App?

Organized Teams & Messages

The flexibility of LavaPing’s roles and groups allows you only to read and see the messages that concern you. No more useless chatter filling up the space on your notification board; with LavaPing, you know the communication you’re receiving is directly for you, without excess data filling up your account.

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Easy to Use, Seamless to Integrate

LavaPing was designed with the average user in mind, our main advantage is simplicity. You don’t need a guideline or a tutorial on how to use the app, it is made to work for you, not against you. Accessible corporate communication is essential, but integrating with the apps we use daily - is a must. Schedule your meetings, send and receive files, and share updates on tasks seamlessly through LavaPing’s integration.

Early Bird, Gets the Worm

If you want to be one of those OG users, with bragging rights and privileges of an early bird special, get LavaPing for free now! We’re offering our first-time users the opportunity to use the most in-demand and highly anticipated app of 2023 for free! It’s a way for us to thank you for believing in LavaPing. This is a time-limited opportunity, so don’t let it pass you by.

Exclusive Perks

Every time we’ve used a different app for our corporate messaging and communication, we’ve dreamed of features like attendance reports, performance assessments, etc. Guess what? We are working daily at LavaPing to deliver these popular functionalities within our app! The better news? We’ll have a team dedicated to listening to your ideas and insights about improvements or new functionalities that we can add to LavaPing. Make this messaging app completely yours by sharing your essential functionality ideas, so we can turn it into a reality.

LavaPing on Your Servers

Just so you know how flexible and customizable the LavaPing app is, we’re offering companies to have the app on their own servers. We’re completely open to suggestions and ideas so we can make the app more comfortable, secure and useful for your corporate needs.

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Download LavaPing

Have we conceived you to migrate to LavaPing? Hey, you don’t have to make a decision on the fly, download the app for free and see for yourself, what you see is what you get, with extraordinarily more to come!